Private & Corporate Event Packages
Every event by The Flying Winemaker is engineered to be highly interactive, incredibly fun and immediately instagrammable to the envy of your colleagues or friends. Allow our team of wine loving professionals to lead you through our crafted experiences. All of which involve an element of education, a healthy dose of tasting and absolutely zero of the poshness that plagues most wine events.
We have so many exciting tasting options available that create the perfect scenario for any team building exercises, ice-breakers and just pure fun & enjoyment!
Some examples of our tasting options are below:
Wine Tasting Pub Quiz - Slightly rowdy, slightly competitive, but most importantly always tasty!
Informative quiz in a refreshingly informal setting. Pit your extensive or limited wine knowledge against one another. Complimentary prizes for the winning team. No losers as everyone drinks plenty of great wine throughout.